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48th Annual La Conner Smelt Derby

The La Conner Rotary will host the 48th annual Smelt Derby on Saturday, February 23, 2013. A day of fun events for the whole family! Pancake Breakfast to benefit the La Conner High School Senior Class, 8 - 10 am in Maple Hall, cost $6.00. Kids activities at Maple Center from 10 - 2. Fish painting, and other crafts. The 5K - 10K Smelt Run/Walk sponsored by the Skagit Symphony, Registration starts at 8:30am at the La Conner Middle School, race starts at 10 am. Fishing for Smelt for all ages begins at 10am and continues till 2 pm. Prizes are awarded in age categories from 1 - 99 years old for the longest, smallest, weirdest and many other categories of fish. There will be a raffle with many fabulous prizes and a $750.00 cash prize. $2.00 per raffle ticket. Hot Dog lunch available in the Bank of America parking lot 11am - 3pm. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Ted's has all your smelting needs of hand - Stop by and we'll be glad to show you what you need!
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