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Baker Lake To Open For Sockeye Fishing

Baker Lake to open for sockeye

Action: Opens sockeye retention fishery.

Effective date: July 18 through Sept. 7, 2020.

Species affected: Sockeye salmon.

Location: Baker Lake (Whatcom County) Catch Record Code 825

Rule: Daily limit two sockeye. Min. size 18". Anglers may fish with two poles with a two-pole endorsement. Each angler aboard a vessel may deploy salmon angling gear until the daily salmon limit for all anglers aboard has been achieved.

Reason for action: Sufficient numbers of sockeye have been transported to Baker Lake to support a lake fishery for these salmon.

Additional information: The Skagit co-managers (WDFW and treaty tribes) will be closely watching sockeye returns to the Baker River upstream fish trap to ensure broodstock goals are meeting objectives. WDFW staff will be monitoring the Baker Lake fishery and numbers of sockeye hauled to the lake to ensure 1,500 sockeye remain in the lake for natural spawning. If lake escapement appears to be in jeopardy the lake fishery may be closed. Anglers should regularly check the WDFW emergency rule updates webpage for the latest information. The webpage can be found at

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