Beach Fishing For Pink Salmon
We have been getting great reports of pink salmon being landed off many of Puget Sounds beaches this past couple of weeks and the fishing should stay good for quite a period of time.
Without a doubt some of the best beach fishing for pinks has been the western beaches of Whidbey Island. There are many spots that produce good caches for the shore bound angler. Some of the best beaches on the Island are Bush Point, South Whidbey State Park, Lagoon Point, Fort Casey, Ebey Landing, West Beach (Decption Pass State Park), Deception Pass, Ala Spit, Mutiny Bay, Maxwelton and at Possession Point Bait Co.. These are some of the best know spots to intercept salmon on their way back to their natal streams. Some of these beaches have very good public access and others have just minimal access. Those beaches that houses on them are more than likely off limits as the tidelands are privately owned. Make sure that you can fish a beach before doing such as you do not want to have any conflict with a land owner. We have had lots of conflict in the past and fishermen do not need to loose any more access than they have already. If you live on the Kitsap Penninsula you can fish off the beach at Point No Point or give Salsbury Point a try. For you mainlanders you can try Kayak Point County Park, Mukilteo Beach Park, Picnic Point, Medowdale Park, Edmonds Pier, Akli Point, Dash Point or Browns Point. These are by no means all of the access points that one may find some decent beach salmon fishing but will give you a start.
We will have decent saltwater pink salmon fishing though about the middle of September though the next there weeks or so will be the peak. We will also be changeing to a silver fishery by the last week of August and they will run through mid October.
The most common beach fishing lures for beach fishing pinks are Rotators and Buzz Bombs generally in a 2 or 2 1/2 size and in pink colors. Some anglers will incorporate a small pink squid over their hook for additional inticement.
If you are needing any additional information just stop by and we will be glad to help you out. We have a great selection of pink gear on hand and will be happy to show you how to rig it
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