Blackmouth Fishing - Marine Area 9
The blackmouth reports have been coming out of Marine Area 9 have been quite good since the opener. The fish that we have been seeing caught have been fron legal up 7 - 8pounds on the average with an occasional fish into the low teens. There has been an average of 3 or 4 shakers for every legal sized fish.
Overall, we have been seeing better sized fish coming out of the western portions of area. This eastern side has been producing smaller fish on average with the better fish being 5 - 6 pounds. The western areas such has Point No Point, Double Bluff and Mid Channel Bank have been showing better sized fish with many going into the lower teens.
Fishing pressure has been low to moderate at best. With the cach reports being as high as they have been it's really amazing that there are not more anglers fishing.
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