Columbia River Chinook Fishery To Remain Open Through September 22
Columbia River sport fishery remains open for fall chinook
Action: Allows retention of hatchery chinook on the mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to Warrior Rock.
Species affected: Hatchery chinook, defined as having a clipped adipose fin or a clipped left ventral fin.
Effective dates: Thursday, Sept.15 through Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016.
Daily limit:
- Buoy 10: Chinook minimum size 24-inches. Coho minimum size 16-inches. Daily limit is two fish of which only one may be a chinook. Only one hatchery steelhead may be retained per day. Release all salmon other than hatchery (adipose or left-ventral fin clipped) chinook and adipose fin-clipped coho.
- Tongue Point/Rocky Point to Warrior Rock: Minimum size is 12-inches. Daily limit is six fish, but only two may be adults, of which only one may be a hatchery chinook. Only one hatchery steelhead may be retained per day. Release all salmon other than hatchery (adipose or left-ventral fin clipped) chinook and adipose fin-clipped coho.
Reason for action: Harvestable numbers of hatchery salmon remain available based on current chinook forecasts and harvest estimates to date.
All other permanent rules apply.
Columbia River sport fishery remains open for fall chinook
Action: Allows retention of hatchery chinook on the mainstem Columbia River from Buoy 10 upstream to Warrior Rock.
Species affected: Hatchery chinook, defined as having a clipped adipose fin or a clipped left ventral fin.
Effective dates: Thursday, Sept.15 through Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016.
Daily limit:
- Buoy 10: Chinook minimum size 24-inches. Coho minimum size 16-inches. Daily limit is two fish of which only one may be a chinook. Only one hatchery steelhead may be retained per day. Release all salmon other than hatchery (adipose or left-ventral fin clipped) chinook and adipose fin-clipped coho.
- Tongue Point/Rocky Point to Warrior Rock: Minimum size is 12-inches. Daily limit is six fish, but only two may be adults, of which only one may be a hatchery chinook. Only one hatchery steelhead may be retained per day. Release all salmon other than hatchery (adipose or left-ventral fin clipped) chinook and adipose fin-clipped coho.
Reason for action: Harvestable numbers of hatchery salmon remain available based on current chinook forecasts and harvest estimates to date.
All other permanent rules apply.
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