Columbia River Updates To Summer Salmon Fisheries
Updates to Columbia River summer salmon fisheries
Action: Updates Columbia River salmon seasons listed in the 2018-19 Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet. Anglers must release all salmon.
Effective date: June 16.
Species affected: Salmon and steelhead.
Locations: Megler-Astoria Bridge upstream to Priest Rapids Dam.
Reason for action: Summer chinook and sockeye runs are projected to be significantly lower than in recent years. This emergency rule reflects co-manager agreements reached in April during the North of Falcon season-setting process.
Additional information:
Megler-Astoria Bridge upstream to Highway 395 Bridge at Pasco:
- June 16 through June 30: daily limit 2 hatchery steelhead. Release all salmon.
- July 1 through July 31: daily limit 1 hatchery steelhead. Salmon and steelhead night fishing closure. Release all salmon.
Hwy 395 Bridge at Pasco upstream to Priest Rapids Dam:
- June 16 through August 15: Salmon and steelhead closed.
Information contact: Region 5, 360-696-6211; Region 3, 509-575-2740.
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