Coronet Bay Smelting
We have been receiving some good smelt reports from Coronet Bay on Whidbey Island recently. This is a fun family fishery that yeilds some very tasty results. This fishery requires a minimum amout of tackle. A typical trout spinning rod will fit the bill just fine, couple that up with a few snap swivels, a size 4 or 5 Gamakatsu Smelt/Herring Jig, a few 1/2 and 3/4 ounce sinkers and bucket for your catch is all it requires. Coronet Bay State Park has a couple of docks that you can fish from. There is the larger t shaped pier that is used for boat moorage that provides more than enough space for quite a number of anglers. There is also the smaller boat launch dock to the east. If you fish from this dock please be aware of the boaters launching their boats as you do not want to be in their way. Remember the limit is 10 pounds, which is alot of smelt to clean.
This fishery will go on thoughout the winter and into the ealy Spring. You can pack up a good lunch with some hot beverages and enjoy the day.
As this is a State Park make sure you have a Discovery Permit for your vehicle.
Ted's has all the tackle on hand for your Coronet Bay trip and we can also help you out with the Discovery Permit.
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