Edmond's Pier - Chinook
This spring season off the pier has definitely been considerably slower than we have seen in the past for Chinook. It's a relief to see that there have been at least a few fish caught this week. The first was 9 pounds caught last Sunday and then there was a 10 and a 12 pound fish caught off the pier today. Hopefully this is just the start of a good season for those fishing the pier.
Overall, we are going to have a Chinook season very similar to lasts with the number of fish returning to Puget Sound being about the same.
As far as lures go the typical lead minnow jigs of the past like your Point Wilson Darts in the candlefish or herring models, Dungeness Stingers, Gibbs Minnows, Pucci Jigs, Crippled Herring or Mega Bait Jigs in the pearl white, pearl green, glow greens or silver black backs are all good color conbinations. Stick to jigs in the 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 ounce range.
The peak of our Puget Sound Chinook fishery occurs around the 3 or 4th of August.
Ted's has a "Great" selection of jigs for the pier.
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