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Lake Chelan Area Fishing Report - Anton Jones

What continues hot is trolling near the Yacht Club on Lake Chelan for numbers of Lake Trout. Early morning Kokanee and the odd Chinook are a bonus. On Chelan, Lake Trout bit trolled presentations above the Yacht Club that were pulled at about 1.5mph very close to the bottom in water that was 280 to 340 feet deep. Worden Lures T4 Flatfish in Purple Glow and Mack’s Cha Cha Squidders as well as Silver Horde’s Kingfisher Lite spoons in Glow Splatterback colors continued to rack up the Mack’s during this reporting period. The bite between 6 AM and 9 AM is nothing short of phenomenal. The rest of the day isn’t half bad either. The Kokanee bite has really tailed off, but some are being caught in the trench, along the face of Mill Bay, up at the Yacht Club and over by the Monument. The best bite is at first light. Jeff was able to get a customer into a Chinook while trying for Kokanee, so you never know what will bite. Mack’s Lures Mini Cha Cha Squidders baited with Pautzke’s Fire Corn is the ticket there. Your fishing tip of the week is to try a couple of things to improve your hook up to bite ratio. First, if you are getting short strikes, try adding a stinger hook to catch those fish. Sometimes they’ll catch on the stinger then swing into the big hook to really stick themselves securely. Second, try replacing trebles with single hooks whenever possible to avoid dredging bottom debris. It can improve your bite rate, by lessening your foul up rate…therefore keeping lures that are working in the strike zone. The kid’s tip of the week is to keep instructions simple, concise and clear when giving instructions. I usually try to keep it to two simple things. It’s amazing how confused things get when you add the third piece to a set of instructions. You know, now that I think about it, that holds as true for adults as it is for kids. Reel down then lift the rod tip is the limit. If you say: Reel down, lift the rod tip and pull line off the reel when I net the fish most people lose the first piece… The safety tip of the week is to keep a short look out for floating debris. The recent hot weather has really started the lake level up in a hurry. There are already some boat busters out there. Keeping all your passengers on the lookout can only help. Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service 509-687-0709 or
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