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Lake Chelan Area Fishing Reports From Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service

Continuing hot is trolling near the Yacht Club on Lake Chelan for numbers of Lake Trout. The face of Manson Bay has also been productive at times. This is a great time for trolling on Omak Lake for Lahontan Cutthroat Trout. On Chelan, Lake Trout continued to bite trolled presentations above the Yacht Club that were pulled at about 1.5mph very close to the bottom. We are fishing in water that is 240 to 340 feet deep. Worden Lures T4 Flatfish in Purple Glow and Mack’s Cha Cha Squidders as well as Silver Horde’s Kingfisher Lite spoons in Glow Splatterback colors continued to rack up the Lakers during this reporting period. The bite between 6 AM and 8 AM is still very good. Troll the face of Manson Bay in the evening with the same lures that work above the Yacht Club in the morning. This is prime time for fishing Omak Lake. We troll Silver Horde’s Kingfisher Lite spoons around 1.6 mph to catch these Lahontan Cutthroat trout. This is a fishery renowned for its numbers and the potential for extraordinary size. Our last trip up there resulted in catch and release of 61 Lahontan Cutthroat trout. The state record of a bit over 18 pounds was caught there. Your fishing tip of the week is to use this beautiful late spring weather to fish from the shore on Lake Chelan. This is the time of the year that throwing Worden Lures 1/8th ounce Roostertails or Mack’s Lures Promise keepers from shoreline areas can result in nice catches. The great part is you never know what it might be. Recently planted jumbo triploid rainbows, holdover rainbows, northern Pikeminnow or even smallmouth bass are possibilities. If you’re not quite that energetic, dunking Pautzke’s Firebait off of a slip sinker rig will work for the trout. Worms are good for everything… The kid’s tip of the week is to remember, praise loudly, and criticize softly with an alternative. When you catch that kid doing something right, praise them loudly. They might be embarrassed on the outside, but inside, their glowing. When you need to criticize them, do it quietly and privately. Also, remember to give them an alternative to the wrong behavior. Its teaching we’re after, not humiliation. The safety tip of the week is to remember to be prepared to avoid erratic direction changes from other boaters when you are cruising on Lake Chelan. Other boaters avoiding wood or just looking over their shoulders at a wake boarder can make them change direction suddenly. Anton Jones of Darrell & Dad's Family Guide Service 509-687-0709 and Pictured: 6/13/13 - The Camozzi gang with their catch of Lake Chelan Mack's and a landlocked Chinook. Also Pictured: 6/12/13 Mitchell Godred's grandson, Blaine (13), up from Texas with a nice Omak Lahnotan. Finally Pictured: 6/17/13 - Jennifer Feldtz (17), of Chino Hills, CA with her Dad, Burt's 11 pound Lake Chelan Mack.
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