Lake Stevens Kokanee Derby, Saturday May 16th
If you don't have anything planned for this Saturday then you might wat to participate in the Lake Stevens Kokanne Derby. This is the 6th year that this derby has taken place and has become one of the most popular fresh water events of the year. We will have tickets until we close Friday evening at 7:00 pm and run $20.00 for those 15 and above and those 14 or under are free!
Fishing has been outstanding this year will lots of fish being caught. Kokanee have been a bit smaller this year (perhaps an inch or inch and a half) but what they have been lacking in size they have been making up in numbers.
This is a fantastic family event with some good cash prizes as well as lots of merchandise prizes donated by many of the local shops, manufactures and distributors.
A big "Thank You" to everyone that has helped to put this event together!
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