Lake Washington Yellow Perch
Lake Washington Yellow Perch fishing has been good the past few weeks and should continue through November. The fish are schooling in 50 - 70 feet of water in many areas of the lake and feeding quite heavily anticipating the colder waters of winter. Both Larry and Ryan have been out this past week and found good numbers of perch averaging 8 - 10 inches with an odd fish to around 13 inches. You can drift an area bouncing your baits just off the bottom until you locate a school and then you can anchor up or hover over them with your electic motor. There are lots of good offerings but it is had to beat just a worm / night crawler or a piece of perch meat.
These fish are very willing biters making them a good choice for youngsters. Just dress them up in some warm clothing, bring along some snacks and you are ready for a good family outing. The results make for some fine eating.
Stop by and the boys will be happy to fill you in on the areas and techniques.
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