Lewis River & Cedar Creek To See Fishing Restrictions & Closures
Fishing closures set for Lewis River and Cedar Creek
Action: Closes salmon retention on the Lewis River from the mouth to Johnson Creek. Closes the Lewis River to all fishing between Johnson and Colvin creeks. Closes Cedar Creek to all fishing from the mouth to the Grist Mill Bridge.
Effective dates: Nov. 13, 2018 until further notice.
Species affected: All species.
Locations: Lewis River: from the mouth to Colvin Creek. Cedar Creek: from the mouth to the Grist Mill Bridge.
Reason for action: The Lewis River wild fall chinook salmon run is tracking below the pre-season forecast and is currently projected to fall short of the escapement goal for this population. The returns of hatchery coho is also tracking well below forecast and the hatchery broodstock goals. Closing the lower Lewis River and Cedar Creek to salmon retention will increase the number of wild chinook spawning and the number coho returning to the Lewis River Hatchery. The will help to ensure fishing opportunities in future years.
Additional information: The lower Lewis River remains open to harvest of hatchery steelhead downstream of Johnson Creek. All other permanent rules remain in effect. Please refer to the Sport Fishing Pamphlet for complete rule information.
Information contact: Tom Wadsworth, District Fish Biologist, (360) 906-6709.
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