Mandatory Steelhead Release On Green River, Effective June 2nd
Action: Anglers must release steelhead in all sections of the Green (Duwamish) River beginning the first Saturday in June until further notice.
Effective dates: June 2, 2018, until further notice.
Species affected: Steelhead.
Location: Green (Duwamish) River (King County). From an east-west line extending through the southernmost tip of Harbor Island to the water pipeline walk bridge (1/2 mile downstream of Tacoma Headworks Dam).
Reasons for action: Low numbers of hatchery summer steelhead are expected to return to the Green River in 2018 due to poor survival of the 2016 hatchery steelhead smolts (caused by high water temperatures) at Soos Creek Hatchery. This regulation will protect returning adult hatchery summer steelhead and increase the likelihood of achieving broodstock collection goals this summer.
Other Information: Steelhead retention will be allowed when hatchery broodstock goals are achieved. Steelhead are defined as sea-run rainbow trout 20" in length and over.
Information contact: Aaron Bosworth, Mill Creek Regional Office, (425) 775-1311 (102).
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