Minter Creek To Reopen For Salmon Angling
Salmon angling to reopen in Minter Creek
Action: Reopens salmon angling under permanent rule as listed in the 2019-20 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.
Effective date: Nov.16, 2019.
Species affected: Salmon.
Location: Minter Creek (Pierce Co.).
Reason for action: Minter Creek Hatchery is now expected to meet hatchery egg-take goals. The previously instituted conservation measures are no longer needed.
Additional information:
Minter Creek salmon rules through Dec. 15, 2019: Min. size 12”. Daily limit 6. Up to 2 adults may be retained. Release wild coho.
Please refer to the 2019-20 Washington Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet for additional rules, also found at
Information contact: David Stormer, Puget Sound recreational salmon manager, 360-902-0058; or Mark Baltzell, Puget Sound salmon manager, 360-902-2807.
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