Salmon Season Extended On Sol Duc River
Salmon season on the Sol Duc River extended
through Dec. 15 to allow retention of hatchery coho
Action: Extends the salmon season to allow harvest of hatchery coho on the Sol Duc River. The season was scheduled to end Nov. 30.
Effective date: Dec.1 through Dec.15, 2017.
Species affected: Salmon.
Location: The Sol Duc River downstream of the hatchery.
Reason for action: Coho broodstock needs at the Sol Duc Hatchery have been met, and surplus hatchery (adipose fin-clipped) coho remain in the Sol Duc River below the hatchery.
Additional Information: The daily limit for salmon during this period will be two hatchery coho (marked with a clipped adipose fin) only; minimum size 14 inches; release all chinook and wild coho.
On Dec.16, the regulations for the Sol Duc River will revert to those listed in the 2017-18 "Washington Sport Fishing Rules" pamphlet.
Information contact: WDFW Region 6 Office, (360) 249-4628.
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