Due to the large number of juvenile Chinook salmon in these areas being caught WDFW has decided to close these areas until further notice. Not doing such would cause the guideline numbers to be meet in short order causing a closure...
Even before blackmouth season has opened WDFW has changed the limit from two to one hatchery Chinook in Marine Areas 8-1, 8-2, 9 and 10. Once again adding to the confusion of this season. Make sure to check the WDFW website for changes...
Once again we have early salmon closures occurring in Marine Areas 8-1 & 8-2 due to Chinook impact numbers being reached. These areas were slated to be closed at the end of April...
If you are a winter blackmouth fisherman here in our area of Puget Sound you will soon find that your opportunities will be curtailed to a great extent...
Winter blackmouth fishing will open this Thursday in Marine Areas 8-1,8-2 & 9. Marine Areas 10, 11, 12 and 13 are already open. Make sure to read your regulations before fishing as there are some differences between areas...