July 17, 2014 Baker Lake Sockeye Continue To Come In The numbers of Baker River Sockeye are increasing though it will be doubtful that the run will make pre season estimates... Read now
July 12, 2014 Ballard Locks Sockeye If you are wondering what to do over the weekend a side trip to the Ballard Locks to see the Sockeye returning to Lake Washington might be in order... Read now
July 12, 2014 Baker Lake Sockeye Numbers Increase Slightly So far this season the numbers of sockeye returning to the Baker River have been well below expectations... Read now
July 12, 2014 Salmon Limits Increased In Columbia Above Preist Rapids Dam With the abundance of sockeye returning to the upper Columbia the WDFW has increase the limits... Read now
July 9, 2014 Baker Lake Sockeye Fishery Even though this fishery is opening tomorrow, I think it would be best not to go until we have a better number of fish in the lake... Read now
July 5, 2014 Columbia River Sockeye Numbers Soar As of yesterday, July 4th there have been 423,718 that have gone over Bonneville Dam... Read now
July 3, 2014 Columbia River Chinook, Sockeye And Sturgeon Fishing Opportunities Here's some additional angling opportunities for the Columbia River on Chinook, Sockeye and Sturgeon... Read now
June 16, 2014 Skagit Sockeye Fishery - Reports With the opening of the Skagit River Sockeye fishery this past Saturday we anticipated better results... Read now
June 10, 2014 Skagit River Sockeye Fishery - June 14th Through June 29th Saturday, June 14th is the start of the sockeye season on the Skagit River... Read now