As of March 1st, 2020 there will be no salmon fisheries on the Lewis River. This action is need to assure there is sufficient numbers of fish to maintain hatchery broodstock needs...
Due ti lower than expected returns of hatchery Chinook to the Klickitat salmon hatchery WDFW is closing retention of Chinook to hopefully get the needed numbers of fish for maintaining production...
WDFW is closing the Chehalis River and some of it's tributaries to fishing from May 13th thru June 30th to protect low numbers of returning Spring Chinook.
With just a limited number of Spring Chinook available this season there will be just a two day a week fishery on the Snake River this season. Make sure to read the regulations thoroughly...
Hatchery stellhead may once again be retained on the Kalama River effective May 3rd. May is a great month to chase both fresh Summer run steelhead and Spring Chinook on this fantastic SW Washington stream...