Tokul Creek, Snoqualimie, Tolt And Raging River To Close.
December 2, 2016
Tokul Creek, and the Snoqualmie, Tolt and Raging rivers close to fishing
Action: Close Tokul Creek and the Snoqualmie, Tolt, and Raging rivers to fishing.
Effective date: Dec. 16, 2016 through Feb. 15, 2017.
Species affected: Trout and other game fish.
- Tokul Creek: From the mouth upstream to the hatchery intake.
- Tolt River: From the mouth to the confluence with the North and South Forks.
- Raging River: From the mouth to the Highway 18 Bridge (upstream of Preston).
- Snoqualmie River: From the mouth upstream to Snoqualmie Falls.
Reasons for action: The Tokul Creek Hatchery is expecting a very low return of hatchery early winter steelhead this year as there were no smolt releases in 2014 or 2015. All returning hatchery fish will be needed for broodstock to ensure egg take goals are met.
Information Contact: Mill Creek Regional Office, (425) 775-1311
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