Wallace River To Reopen For Coho Fishing
Wallace River re-opens to fishing for hatchery coho
Action: Opens hatchery coho retention.
Effective dates: October 17 through December 31, 2019.
Species affected: Salmon.
Location: Wallace River: From the mouth (farthest downstream railroad bridge) to 200 feet upstream of the water intake to the salmon hatchery.
- Salmon: Min. size 12". Daily limit 2 hatchery coho, release all other salmon.
- Night closure and anti-snagging rule in effect through November 30.
- Fishing from a floating device is prohibited beginning November 1.
Reason for action: Coho broodstock goals have been met at the Wallace Hatchery and the remainder of hatchery coho are available for harvest.
Additional information: Gamefish rules remain as described in the pamphlet. To ensure future generations of fish please avoid stepping on redds while fishing.
Information contact: WDFW Region 4 Mill Creek Office, (425) 775-1311
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