Stopped by Coronet Bay this past weekend to see what was happening on the smelt fishing scene. I am happy to say that there was some fairly good fishing going on...
We have had some very good reports coming from Lone Lake on Whidbey Island over the past few weeks. Seeing the fly fishermen catching a fair number of rainbows in the 14 - 20 inch range...
So far, we have seen a rather lackluster season on the squid. It has been rather inconsistent virtually everywhere in Puget Sound. We are just getting to the peak portion of the season, so there is still time for it to get better...
Once again due to lower than expected returns of Chinook and Coho we are seeing additional restrictions and closures on the Lewis River as well as Cedar Creek...
Due to low returns of hatchery steelhead to Ringgold Springs hatchery, WDFW is closing the Hanford Reach section of the Columbia to steelhead fishing effective November 10th...